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[原创]bits per pixel [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2012-12-06
关键词: abercrombie,abe
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Pixel Color Depth Or Bits Per Pixel In Digital Photos
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More information on digital photo printing and photography is available on printrates.com - a site about This article can be reprinted and used as long as the resource box including the backlink is included. Ziv Haparnas writes about technology and digital photography.
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Submitted : 2006-10-06 00:00:00Word Count : 727Popularity: 79Tags: color depth, bit depth, bits per pixel, bpp,, color palette,moncler, true color, high color, truecolor,abercrombie france, digital photo
Digital photos are built of many pixels. Each pixel has a unique value which represents its color. When you are looking at a digital photo your eyes and brain merge these pixels into one continuous digital photo,. Each pixel has a color value that is one out of a finite number of possible colors ? this number is known as color depth.
Each pixel has a color value that is one out of a palette of unique colors. The number of such unique potential colors is known as color depth. Color depth is also known as bit depth or bits per pixel since a certain number of bits are used to represent a color and there is a direct correlation between the number of such bits and the number of possible unique colors. For example if a pixel color is represented by one bit - one bit per pixel or a bit depth of 1 - the pixel can have only two unique values or two unique colors ,abercrombie? usually these colors will be black or white.
Color depth is important in two domains: the graphical input or source and the output device on which this source is displayed. Each digital photo source or other graphics sources are displayed on output devices such as computer screens and printed paper. Each source has a color depth. For example a digital photo can have a color depth of 16 bits,abercrombie. The source color depth depends on how it was created for example the color depth of the camera sensor used to shoot a digital photo,abercrombie france. This color depth is independent of the output device used to display the digital photo. Each output device has a maximum color depth that it supports and can also be set to lower color depth (usually to save resources such as memory). If an output device has a higher color depth than the source the output device will not be fully utilized,doudoune moncler. If an output device has a lower color depth than the source the output device will display a lower quality version of the source.
Many times you will hear color depth expressed as a number of bits (bit depth or bits per pixel),abercrombie milano. Here is a table of common bits per pixel values and the number of colors they represent:
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